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目的分析急性肠套叠空气灌肠致肠穿孔的临床和X射线表现,以尽可能减少肠穿孔的发生。方法选取1645例肠套叠患儿,其中男性950例,女性695例;年龄2个月至7岁,平均年龄3.6岁。经空气灌肠复位后,有6例患儿肠套叠空气灌肠致肠穿孔,其中男性4例,女性2例,年龄3~32个月,平均年龄为17.5个月;对其临床症状、X射线表现及手术情况进行回顾性分析,总结肠穿孔发生的病因。结果 6例均有阵发性哭闹、腹痛、呕吐及血便等临床表现。4例首次整复出现肠穿孔,2例再次灌肠出现肠穿孔,X射线表现气腹。手术治疗回结型4例,回回结型2例,6例回肠末端及结肠局部均见不同程度缺血坏死。结论提高肠套叠的认识,注意空气灌肠的适应证及操作方法可降低肠穿孔的发生。 Objective To analyze the clinical and X-ray findings of intestinal perforation caused by acute intussusception air enema in order to reduce the incidence of intestinal perforation. Methods A total of 1645 patients with intussusception were enrolled, including 950 males and 695 females, ranging in age from 2 months to 7 years with a mean age of 3.6 years. After air enema reduction, there were 6 cases of intestinal intussusception enema caused intestinal perforation, including 4 males and 2 females, aged 3 to 32 months, with an average age of 17.5 months; its clinical symptoms, X-ray The performance and operation were retrospectively analyzed to summarize the etiology of intestinal perforation. Results All patients had paroxysmal crying, abdominal pain, vomiting and bloody stools. In the 4 cases, intestinal perforation occurred in the first reconstructive process, and in 2 cases, intestinal perforation occurred again. The X-ray showed pneumoperitoneum. Surgical treatment of knot in 4 cases, 2 cases of return knot, 6 cases of ileal end and colon were seen varying degrees of ischemic necrosis. Conclusion To improve the understanding of intussusception, attention to the indications of air enema and operation methods can reduce the incidence of intestinal perforation.
目的 探讨经血管内介入治疗腹部外科术后迟发性出血的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析76例因腹部外科术后迟发性出血行造影检查的患者资料.排除标准为造影阳性且未行栓塞治疗或出血
苦瓜  苦瓜原产自印度,后广泛栽培于热带、温带地区,我国南北方均普遍栽培。苦瓜味甘苦,主作蔬菜,也可糖渍,成熟果肉和假种皮都可食用。  在营养价值方面,苦瓜的维生素C含量尤为突出,为黄瓜的14倍,冬瓜的5倍,番茄的7倍。苦瓜含有的特殊糖甙,能刺激人体唾液及胃液分泌,可促进食欲,帮助消化。此外,它还具有解毒等功效,深受广大群众的喜爱。  ★挑选小窍门  挑选苦瓜可从外皮、形状、色泽和重量4个方面去鉴
目的 应用诊断准确性研究报告规范(STARD)2015评价国内影像诊断准确性试验报告的质量.方法 检索中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台于2014-0
做法  1.用刀去掉雞翅中的骨头。  2.将去骨的鸡翅加奥尔良腌料腌制1小时。彩椒切粗条备用。  3.在腌好的鸡翅内塞上彩椒条。烤箱预热200℃,将鸡翅整齐地放在刷了油的锡纸上,烤10~15分钟即可。  ★鸡翅去骨后比较适合孩子吃,鸡翅里面的彩椒也可以换成芦笋。  ★除了奥尔良烤鸡翅料,大家也可以用其他自己喜欢的腌料腌制鸡翅。推荐腌料: 黄酒+生抽+盐+孜然粉+辣椒粉+洋葱+胡萝卜(胡萝卜切大片
目的 探究未加压直接法对下肢静脉CT成像的影响.方法 回顾性分析2015年9月至2018年10月怀疑下肢静脉疾病的患者100例,男50例,女50例,年龄30~80岁,平均(63.5±13.5)岁.其中50