1临床资料患者女,82岁。全身出现红斑、脓疱伴瘙痒1周,发热4d。1周前拔牙后口服阿莫西林胶囊,5d前患者的前胸部出现黄豆大红斑和丘疹,无瘙痒,次日全身出现弥漫性水肿性红斑,其上见密集分布针尖至粟粒大脓疱,伴明显瘙痒,外院以“红皮病”予复方甘草酸苷注射液静滴及依巴斯汀口服,无效。4d前出现发热(T 39.0℃)。无高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、银屑病、肝炎及结核病史,否认家族遗传病史、药物及食物过敏史,无烟酒等不
1 Clinical data Patient, 82 years old. Whole body erythema, pustules with itching 1 week, fever 4d. A toothpaste after oral extraction of amoxicillin capsules a week ago, 5 days before the emergence of the patient’s chest erythema and papules, no itching, diffuse edematous erythema appeared on the body the next day, see the intensive distribution of the tip to miliary pustules, with Obvious itch, outside the hospital to “erythroderma” to compound glycyrrhizin intravenous injection and according to Bastine oral, invalid. 4 days before the fever (T 39.0 ℃). No hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, psoriasis, history of hepatitis and tuberculosis, family history of genetic deny, history of drug and food allergy, alcohol-free alcohol, etc.