“视界融合”是伽达默尔三大哲学阐释学原则之一,就翻译而言,视界融合的过程就是译者视界与作者视界产生碰撞、互动的过程。通过对爱情诗“A Red,Red Rose”的两种中译本的比较分析可以得出,“视界融合”原则在突出了译者的主体地位、表明了译者选择视角的客观性的同时,也揭示了复译是该原则的理论要求与实践方向。
Fusion of Horizon is one of Gadamer’s three principles of philosophical hermeneutics. In terms of translation, the process of fusion of horizon is the process of collision and interaction between the translator’s horizon and the author’s horizon. Through the comparative analysis of the two Chinese versions of love poems “A Red, Red Rose”, we can conclude that the principle of “Horizon Fusion” highlights the translator’s subjective status and shows the objectivity of the translator’s choice perspective At the same time, it also reveals that the principle of retranslation is the theoretical requirements and practical direction.