The Analysis of Communicative Context Adaptation in English Advertisements

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  【Abstract】Communicative context adaptation,a non-linguistic context is one of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory.To master key elements of communicative of communicative context adaptation help us in the process of advertisements translation.Here,we will detail it from the three aspects -the adaptation to the physical world,the mental world and the social world.
  【Key Words】Communicative Context Adaptation; English Advertisements
  Contextual correlates of adaptability,one of four research angles of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory includes communicative context adaptation and linguistic context adaptation.In Verschueren’s point of view,communicative context is a part of non-linguistic context.Whereas copywriters don’t give a direct talk with consumers,so communicative context will make a great effect on advertisements translation.To make the ads meet the need of communication,copywriters should be careful consideration about the the communicative context in the process of ads translation.This essay will give a detailed discuss about three aspects of communicative context- physical world,mental world and social world.
  1.The Adaptation to the Physical World
  In physical world,the most elements are reference relationship of time and space.For time reference,it includes the time of events,saying and reference.And space reference involves the absolute spatial relationship,the space of speaker,reference space,the position between two communicative sides in physical world,the body language and gesture about speech behavior,the physiological characteristics and appearance of the two communicative parties.All the above elements in physical world will greatly influence the choice of language in communication,so the ads translators should take about them carefully during their translation progress.In the following examples,we will detail how to realize the adaptation of the physical world in the ads translation.
  (1)Walls.(Ice Cream)
  This is an advertisement for ice cream,translated as “和路雪”in Chinese.It is obviously to see that the the ads translated version hasn’t any relationship with the Chinese meaning “墙”,however,the translator considers the elements of weather to make consumers feel a sense of coolness in such a hot summer,which provokes their desire to buy this ice cream.
  2.The Adaptation to the Mental World
  The mental world covers the cognitive and emotional elements like characteristics,feelings,wish and intention between the two communicative parties,which plays a main part in the cognitive process of communicative context.To impress the consumer,realize their self-identity and pursue them to purchase,translators should make efforts to adapt the consumers mental world and physiological elements,such as individual feelings,beliefs and emotions,which wins their approval and acceptance.   (2)Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)
  This advertisement’s words of this well-known watch(斯沃奇收表)is translated as “天长地久”describing a kind of immoral beloved or lasting feelings.It successfully wins the emotional resonance of traditional Chinese consumers with just four short but refined words for it’s very close to the deep heart of Chinese who greatly value family and friends’ relationship and hope it lasts forever.
  3.The Adaptation to the Social World
  To adapt the social world,we should pay much attention to the principles that the speech behavior of communicative parties is ruled by the social occasions and social environments.Culture is the vital to all the factors of social world for the language users live regulated by the social and cultural norms.So it is important to learn more about the language culture,aesthetic taste and value choice of the target language users during the creation of our ads translation,in the following examples:
  (3)Where there is a way,there is Toyota.
  This famous car advertisements is interpreted as “车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”.After reading it,we will be easily link to a English proverb “Where there is a way,there is a will.” For the English version,it successfully adapts the western people’s traditional culture and psychology.The Chinese one is adapted from a classic poetry both in according with the sentence structure and Chinese social culture,leading to the Chinese consumers’ potential consuming action.
  [1]Leech.G.Principle of Pragmatics[M].London.Longman.1983.
  [2]Nida.E.A.Language.Culture and Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.1993.
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