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胸膜腔结核球一例许承利,金禹泽延边肿瘤医院关键词胸膜腔,结核球中图法分类号R521.7患者,男,30岁。该患者于1985年在当地医院检查时经胸部拍片发现右肺下叶肿块样阴影,此后5年期间无特殊症状而未经任何治疗.于1991年复查时们有右肺下叶肿块样阴影... A case of pleural tuberculoma Xu Chengli, Jin Yuze Yanbian Cancer Hospital Key words pleural cavity, tuberculos ball CLC R521.7 patients, male, 30 years old. The patient underwent chest radiography at the local hospital in 1985 and found a shadow of the right lower lobe mass in the next five years without any special symptoms without any treatment. In 1991 when the review of the right lower lobe mass-like shadow ...