The PVT Properties Calculation of Water by BWR Equation

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujun
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A series of thermodynamic functions are applied to generalize the Benedict- Webb-Rubin equation. The method has been successfully applied to this equation, which reduced the constants of BWR equation from eight to one. The calculation of PVT behavior of water over the entire thermodynamic surface is successful with satisfactory deviation. A series of thermodynamic functions are applied to generalize the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation. The method has been successfully applied to this equation, which reduced the constants of BWR equation from eight to one. The calculation of PVT behavior of water over the entire thermodynamic surface is successful with satisfactory deviation.
扬州曲艺历史悠久、底蕴深厚,自明末以来,扬州就一直是中国曲艺重镇,名家迭起、代有传承。民国年间直至新中国建国后,更有以王少堂、张幼夫、王万青为代表的一批艺术家继承创新,把扬州曲艺推向了一个新的高峰。1960年,在中国曲协原副主席、著名扬州评话表演艺术家王少堂倡议下,成立了扬州市曲艺团。2011年,扬州市曲艺团更名为扬州市曲艺研究所。  一、扬郡纷纷斩艺人①:尴尬的传承现状  扬州曲艺种类繁多,历史