How Good Is Corporate Governance in China?

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanyansinx
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Based on the revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance of 2004 and China’sregulatory framework,we develop a corporate governance index (CGI) to measure overallcorporate governance and disclosure practices of the 100 largest listed companies in China.The results show that Chinese companies have been making progress in corporategovernance reform and there is significant difference in CGI between the top and the bottomcompanies’performance.Among the six parts of CGI,Chinese listed companies performbetter in disclosure and transparency,but show weakness in board of supervisor andstakeholders roles.Further tests show that the improvements in corporate governance ofstate-owned enterprises have resulted in some initial signs of success. Based on the revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance of 2004 and China’s regulatory framework, we develop a corporate governance index (CGI) to measure overall corporate governance and disclosure practices of the 100 largest listed companies in China.The results show that Chinese companies have been making progress in corporate governance reform and there is significant difference in CGI between the top and the bottomcompanies’performance. Among the six parts of CGI, Chinese listed companies performbetter in disclosure and transparency, but show weakness in board of supervisor and stakeholder roles. Future tests show that the improvements in corporate governance of state-owned enterprises have resulted in some initial signs of success.
旭阳宝贝:  你是家庭的未来和希望,承载着父母全部的爱,从小到大,你一直是好样的,听话,懂事,坚强,执着,有一颗善良而感恩的心,人见人夸,我为你感到骄傲和自豪。  你是家中宝,从不以小自傲,总是饭后自愿刷锅刷碗,礼让三先,姊妹之间相处得融洽和谐,从来不吵架,还对姐姐说:“我在家里要对家里人好。”曾让你的姐姐们深为感动。  你坚强勇敢,小学一年级都是一直步行去上学,从不让家长接送,真让人佩服。  你