2016年的影像市场,既令人激动,又让人茫然。激动的是,在迟到了10年之后,宾得终于发布了其首款全画幅数码单反相机K-1;哈苏、富士发布了各自的中画幅无反相机,使无反相机侵入中画幅数码相机市场;大疆“御”Mavic Pro的发布,开启了无人机的小型化进程,使众多摄影人趋之若鹜,开启了无人机的新篇章……茫然的是,2016年的相机市场呈现出价格不断上涨、销量不断下滑的反常现象,何时才能重回正轨?相机厂商未来的路又该怎么走?对很多相机厂家而言,2016年可谓倒霉事接二连三,先是在2016年4
The 2016 video market is both exciting and dazed. Excitedly, Pentax finally released its first full-frame digital SLR K-1 after a delay of 10 years. Hasselblad released its own mid-size non-reflex camera that intruded into a medium format digital camera Market; the release of Dajiang “Royal ” Mavic Pro opened the miniaturization process of the UAV and enabled many photographers to rush into a new chapter of the UAV. At a loss, the camera market in 2016 presented When prices go up and sales continue to decline, when can we get back to the right track? How should the future of camera manufacturers go? For many camera manufacturers, 2016 has been one after another unlucky. First, in 2016 4