The function of the Anglo-American property law is to provide a set of tools and rules for people’s personal intentions in their daily, normal lifestyles. The concept of rights and interests in property law, the method of forming property relations and the technical means of property transactions are of crucial importance to the economic development of a country. Property law is a private law, but it can not be separated from the general background of international and public law. All these laws provide the basic principles and norms for the protection of private property. The law sources of property law in the area of private law are mainly case law and written legislation. In case law, common law and equity have all made important contributions to property law. Due to historical reasons, there are many unique terminology in the Anglo-American Property Law. These not only differ from everyday English but also have more than one meanings in the context of the Property Law. They need to be judged according to the context to determine their exact meanings.