芦笋是我省新发展起来大面积栽培的经济作物,经济价值较高。芦笋及罐头制品在联邦德国、日本等国试销颇受欢迎,现将栽培技术要点介绍如下: 一、清园于11月中下旬植株完全枯死后,留茎20厘米割秆,或用小镐刨茬。但不要伤芽盘。培土前除净残茬,彻底清除枯枝落叶,运到田外,并一同清除田间石块。
Asparagus is a newly developed cash crop cultivated in a large area in our province with a high economic value. Asparagus and canned products in the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan and other countries is quite popular test-marketing, cultivation techniques are now introduced as follows: First, the garden in late November dead plants completely, leaving stalks 20 cm cut stalks, or with small pick planing Stubble. But do not hurt the bud disk. Remove soil before stubble, thoroughly remove litter, transported to the field, and together remove the stones in the field.