应用AFLP技术对我国4种主要养殖扇贝进行了遗传分析.虾夷扇贝、海湾扇贝、华贵栉孔扇贝、栉孔扇贝4种养殖扇贝群体中,种内遗传相似度依次分别为0.841 5,0.786 3,0.719 0 和0.673 1,香侬氏指数分别为43.52,58.87,80.16和92.83,栉孔扇贝和华贵栉孔扇贝的遗传多样性水平明显高于海湾扇贝和虾夷扇贝;AFLP标记共享位点分布表明,在4种扇贝中栉孔扇贝与华贵栉孔扇贝之间的共享位点最多,同时4种扇贝的种间遗传相似度也以栉孔扇贝和华贵栉孔扇贝之间为最高(0.769 5),海湾扇贝和虾夷扇贝之间为最低(0.662 6),揭示所研究的几种扇贝中栉孔扇贝和华贵栉孔扇贝的遗传关系最近(遗传距离为0.262 1);找到了21 个种内特异性AFLP标记和种间共享标记,可用于种质鉴定和分子辅助分类.
AFLP technique was used to analyze the genetic diversity of four main cultured scallops in China.The genetic similarity among four populations of scallop, Scallop, Scallop, Scallop, Scallop scallop were 0.841 5,0.786 3 , 0.7190 and 0.673 1 respectively, and the Shannon’s index was 43.52, 58.87, 80.16 and 92.83, respectively. The genetic diversity of scallop and scallop Scallop scallop was significantly higher than that of scallop scallop and scallop scallop. The distribution of AFLP marker shared sites The results showed that among the four scallop species, the share of common scallop Chlamys farreri was the highest among Scallop scallop, while the genetic similarity among the four Scallop scallop species was the highest among Scallop scallop and Scallop scallop (0.7695 (0.662 6) between the scallop and the shrimp Scallop, revealing the closest genetic relationship between C. scallop and S. scoparium in several scallops studied (genetic distance was 0.262 1); 21 species were found Endospecific AFLP markers and interspecific sharing markers can be used for germplasm identification and molecular-assisted classification.