Admittedly, the trend of contemporary Go is based on the Korean wave. Since the Wei into a stream, it will make this unique characteristics such as Chris Choi floating uncertain, but also Park Yong-xun, Park Jung-hsun, such a super-class first-class push to the forefront. After all, the Korean wave exists as a whole, while the second wave is nothing more than a pre-wave that never clears off the teeth. However, the long-term omission of Japanese chess players has objectively formed a unilateral anti-Korean move by Chinese chess players in the Go sector. In the semi-finals or even quarter-finals have rarely seen the figure of Japanese chess players, the probability of Chinese players break through slowly is reduced. However, this LG Cup Japan players surprisingly tough, with the least of the game line-up, but overturned five South Korean elite, in the wings gave the Chinese players the greatest support.