有人说,戴煌是新闻界一棵常青的良心树。这一点都不过誉。因为没有多少人能像他那样去做人,去做记者。 80年代以来,新华社高级记者戴煌的工作,几乎都是与昭雪一个又一个冤假错案连在一起的。其中有的是为死去的冤魂昭雪,比如中华人民共和国国徽浮雕塑造者高庄教授,比如江西青年思想者李九莲;有的是为活人洗冤,比如被诬“在毛主席身边安装窃听器”的原公安部副局长丁兆甲,比如最高人民检察院认定无罪、地方某些部门却坚持要逮捕的阎少卿;有的是为正义鸣不平,比如写了很好的小说《穷棒子王国》却在法院败诉的作家古鉴兹;有的是揭露
Some people say that Dai Huang is an evergreen tree of the media. This is not good reputation. Because not many people like him to be a man, to be a reporter. Since the 1980s, the work of Dai Huang, a senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency, has been linked up with almost one case of unjust misconduct. Some of them were dead innocent victims, such as Prof. Gao Zhuang, the emblem embossed by the People’s Republic of China, such as Li Jiu-Lian, a young thinker in Jiangxi. Others used the original Ministry of Public Security falsely accused of “installing a bug near Chairman Mao” Deputy director Ding Zhaojia, such as the Supreme People’s Procuratorate finds innocent, some local departments insisted on arrest Yan Shaoqing; some ring for justice, such as writing a very good novel, “The Kingdom of the poor” but lost in the court writer Gu Qizi Some are exposed