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北京华嘉企划有限公司是一家云集众多专家学者、实力雄厚,具有国际作业水准的大规模资深顾问公司。多年来,公司一直致力于为国内大、中型企业及各类机构提供高质量、高信誉、高水平的咨询服务,获得了广大客户的高度评价和业界一致认同。公司在深入研究市场的基础上,主要为客户提供 CIS 整体策划和管理咨询,如战略规划、现代企业制度整合、人力资源开发、市场营销策划等。跨入二十一世纪——信息设计时代,华嘉本着“与时代共同进步”的宗旨,愿与各界同仁共同为创造更加美好的生存空间而努力。 Beijing Huajia Planning Co., Ltd. is a large collection of many experts and scholars, the strength of the international standards of operations of large-scale senior consultant. Over the years, the company has been committed to domestic large and medium-sized enterprises and various types of institutions to provide high-quality, high credibility, high level of consulting services, won the majority of customers spoke highly of the industry and agreed. Companies in-depth study of the market based on the main CIS customers to provide overall planning and management consulting, such as strategic planning, the integration of modern enterprise systems, human resources development, marketing planning. Into the 21st century - the information design era, in the spirit of “common progress with the times,” the purpose is willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life work together to create a better living space.
非传统的和新型的非金属矿物原料种类已达50余种,按国民经济利用方向可细分为若干亚类。本文介绍了它们在工农业方面的应用情况。 Non-traditional and new types of non-me
“九五”期间,是历经百难而不屈的五阳人医治洪灾创伤,应对各种挑战,在百废待兴、举步维艰的困境中顽强拼搏、排难前进的重要阶段。 “九五”期间,是负重奋进、发愤图强的五
研究目的: 青光眼是以病理性高眼压、进行性视神经变性和视野缺损为特征的,位列全球第二位的不可逆性致盲眼病。我国乃至世界范围用于青光眼治疗的费用以及由此造成的直接经
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李金国 1971年生,福建漳州人。1999年毕业于中国美术学院。现为江苏省国画院专职画家、中国美协会员、中国工笔画协会会员。 Li Jinguo was born in 1971 in Zhangzhou, Fuj
在不久前结束的黑龙江新闻奖评选会上,笔者与他人合作的《元葱村三问》,荣获报纸类通讯一等奖。这里简单谈一谈它的诞生和写作。 1999年秋,我们到齐齐哈尔市梅里斯区达斡尔
Liver transplantation(LT) is associated with a 2 to7 fold higher, age and gender adjusted, risk of de novo malignancy. The overall incidence of de novo malignan