这次上京,代表广东领了组织工作奖,当然所有展区也都得了这个奖,皆大欢喜。广东还得了一个组织创作奖,这次奖牌名列第二,不错了。但广东这次组织工作有一些不同之处,方式不同于其他省市的“强强联合型”、“集中攻坚型”、“题材招标型”等等。我们得了这个名次,有人觉得是无心插柳,但广东有一些特别之处,在组织工作中自应有自己的特色。 比方说,广东美术队伍大,机构多,改革开放后的一些变化是其他省市少有的。深圳规定大学文凭才可调入,这样小学美术老师也很专业,珠江三角洲县市也仿效这一做法,这一、二十年进入广东的美术人才与本地的加在一起,人数十分可观。广东省展计划展500件作品,结果各地送件之踊跃出人意料,送来2100件多,
This time in Beijing, on behalf of the Guangdong organized work award, of course, all pavilions have won this award, are happy. Guangdong also won an organization creation award, the medal came in second, not bad. However, this organization of work in Guangdong has some differences, in a way different from that of other provinces and cities such as “powerful combination type”, “intensive attack type” and “subject type bidding type.” We have won this ranking. Some people think that it is an unintentional incident. However, there are some specialties in Guangdong that should have their own characteristics in the organization of work. For example, Guangdong has a large number of fine arts teams and many agencies. Some changes after the reform and opening up were rare in other provinces and cities. Shenzhen stipulated that a university diploma would be transferable. In this way, the art teachers in the primary schools were also very professional. The cities and counties in the Pearl River Delta also followed the example. This year, the number of fine arts talents who have joined Guangdong in the past 20 years has been very substantial. Guangdong Province Exhibition planned 500 works, the results sent to pieces around the unexpectedly unexpected, sent more than 2100 pieces,