
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyunba
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家庭教育中有一种常见的毛病,就是家长对孩子说话唠叨,尤其是母亲表现得更为突出。而唠叨的结果则可能是烦扰孩子,激他反感,影响亲子关系,破坏教育效果;同时也影响了家庭祥和、温馨、活跃的气氛,不利于孩子个性的健康发展。那么家长怎样做才能在教育孩子的同时避免唠叨呢?1.制 One common mistake in family education is that parents talk nagging to their children, especially mothers. The result of nagging may be disturbing children, irritating him, affecting parent-child relationship, undermining the educational effect; but also affect the family a peaceful, warm and lively atmosphere, is not conducive to the healthy development of children’s personality. So what should parents do to avoid nagging while educating their children?
当两名护旗手簇拥着鲜红的国旗从主席台前走过的时候,78名刚刚佩戴列兵警衔的消防兵肃然注目,留下永远难忘的镜头。 78名列兵分别来自福建、本省各地,经过45天的严格训练,全