北京杨是青海高原重要的速生用材林树种。通过近 2 0a的研究试验表明 ,北京杨速生丰产林明显优于一般林分 ,同时在不同密度试验区里 ,林分密度与平均胸径、平均树高、蓄积量等因子以及所产生的经济效益之间均表现为高度相关 ,不仅生长差别较大 ,而且呈现了有规律的动态反应。高寒地区速生丰产林栽培合理密度为 2m× 6m、3m× 6m
Beijing Yang is an important fast-growing timberland species in Qinghai Plateau. Through nearly 20 years of research, the results showed that the fast-growing and high-yielding forest of Populus euphratica in Beijing was significantly better than the general stand, while in the different density of the experimental area, factors such as stand density and average diameter at breast height, average tree height and stock volume and the economic benefits Showed a high degree of correlation between, not only the growth of large differences, but also showed a regular dynamic response. The reasonable density of fast-growing and high-yielding forests in alpine area is 2m × 6m and 3m × 6m