Obstacle avoidance for multi-missile network via distributed coordination algorithm

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfaxfdsrfdx
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A distributed coordination algorithm is proposed to enhance the engagement of the multi-missile network in consideration of obstacle avoidance. To achieve a cooperative interception,the guidance law is developed in a simple form that consists of three individual components for target capture, time coordination and obstacle avoidance. The distributed coordination algorithm enables a group of interceptor missiles to reach the target simultaneously, even if some member in the multi-missile network can only collect the information from nearest neighbors. The simulation results show that the guidance strategy provides a feasible tool to implement obstacle avoidance for the multi-missile network with satisfactory accuracy of target capture. The effects of the gain parameters are also discussed to evaluate the proposed approach. A distributed coordination algorithm is proposed to enhance the engagement of the multi-missile network in consideration of obstacle avoidance. To achieve a cooperative interception, the guidance law is developed in a simple form that consists of three individual components for target capture, time coordination and obstacle avoidance. The distributed coordination algorithm enables a group of interceptor missiles to reach the target simultaneously, even if some member in the multi-missile network can only collect the information from nearest neighbors. The simulation results show that the guidance strategy provides a feasible tool to implement obstacle avoidance for the multi-missile network with satisfactory accuracy of target capture. The effects of the gain parameters are also discussed to evaluate the proposed approach.
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