来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttmm
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The effect of flow oscillation to the mass transfer between turbulent fluid and solid wall was investigatedby measuring the mass transfer rate between fluid and pipe wall with imposed oscillating flow usingelectrochemical method.The velocity and concentration field in the viscous sublayer which controls the mass trans-fer in such a process was simulated by a simple wave model of single harmonics.Experimental results confirmthat the flow oscillation has no influene on time averaged mass transfer rate,but the phase difference betweenphase averaged velocity field and concentration field shifts with the frequency of imposed oscillating flow.Numeri-cal analysis reveals that the concentration boundarylayer which is responsible for the mass transfer is muchthinner than the viscous sublayer which greatly weakens the influence of imposed oscillating flow on mass transfer. The effect of flow oscillation to the mass transfer between turbulent fluid and solid wall was investigated by measuring the mass transfer rate between fluid and pipe wall with imposed oscillating flow usingelectrochemical method. Velocity and concentration field in the viscous sublayer which controls the mass trans-fer in such a process was simulated by a simple wave model of single harmonics. Experimental results confirmthat the flow oscillation has no influene on time averaged mass transfer rate, but the phase difference betweenphase averaged velocity field and concentration field shifts with the frequency of imposed oscillating flow . Numeri-cal analysis reveals that the concentration boundarylayer which is responsible for the mass transfer is muchthinner than the viscous sublayer which greatly weakens the influence of imposed oscillating flow on mass transfer.
我国较早的统计专业著作的出版,当推 1907年彭祖植编译的《统计学》,这是天津丙午社在日本东京编印的政法丛书的第27种,其内容与名词完全采自日本。又,商务印书馆于1911年出
我们先来看第一个案例,我们首先要问的是,这个案例中的各组是否出现了恶性竞争?从案例来看,一部分学生的行为已经背离了公平的原则,应该算是进入了恶性的竞争。  从时间来看,这个恶性竞争是在班级蒸蒸日上一大段时间后出现的,也就是说学生在公平竞争还不足以决出胜负之后才开始寻找一些不公平的竞争方法。  我们是否有办法可以避免出现这些恶性竞争?  从合作小组设立的初衷来看,所谓的合作很明显只是指向小组内部的合
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本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等方法进行研究,根据目前的小学体育田径课程的设置现状,指出相应的教学方法,试弥补小学田径课程的缺陷,提高小学田径教学的质量。 Accordin