当人们告别温饱、走向小康时,购买冬衣的视线逐渐从棉衣、羽绒服,移向纯毛、裘皮制品。但是,一件皮装动辄三五千元,有的甚至高达万元以上。对于价码奇高的皮衣80%以上的消费者只有看价的份儿,谁也不愿意在摸不清底细的情况下.去买一件说不清道不明的皮衣。于是,看的多,买的少便构成了今年皮装市场上一大特点。 在湖北某市,皮衣一直是走俏服装,但今年入冬之季却是旺季不旺,缘由则是那近乎天文数字和价格令广大工薪阶层望而却步。据了解,一件普通皮衣要2千元。中
When people bid farewell to food and clothing, to the well-off, the purchase of winter clothing gradually shifted from the cotton, down jacket, pure wool, fur products. However, a leather loaded easily three or five thousand, and some even up to million. For the odd price of leather more than 80% of consumers only look at the share of the share of children, who are not willing to find out the case in the past. So, look more, buy less will constitute a major feature of the leather market this year. In some cities in Hubei, leather garments have always been popular clothing, but this winter season is not busy peak season, the reason is that astronomical figures and prices that the general working-class deterred. It is understood that an ordinary leather to 2,000 yuan. in