铭记老会长教诲 共同做好研究宣传新四军这篇大文章——纪念叶飞同志百岁诞辰

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在叶飞同志诞辰一百周年的时候,我们特别怀念新四军研究会的首任会长。他对中国革命和建设事业作出了不可磨灭的贡献。他对新四军怀有特殊的感情。1997年10月14日在南昌纪念新四军成立60周年大会上讲话时,他提出了“共同做好研究和宣传新四军这篇大文章”的使命。这充分显示出他的远见卓识和历史责任感。抗日战争时期,叶飞在华中敌后战场叱咤风云,屡建功勋。他任新四军第六团团长,曾率部突破国民党的限制,挺进苏南东路地区,首战黄土塘,炸浒墅关车站,挥兵上海近郊虹桥机场;北渡长江后,率部紧急支援半塔保卫战,指挥郭村保卫战,鏖战黄桥歼韩顽;率部粉碎日伪军的扫荡、清乡,他是车桥战役的前线指挥员,是苏浙军区副司令员,参与领导建立苏浙敌后新区和指挥浙西天目山第三次反顽自卫战,为创建发展华中抗日根据地,夺取华中抗战胜利作出了重大 At the 100th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Ye Fei, we especially miss the first president of the New Fourth Army Research Association. He made an indelible contribution to the cause of the Chinese revolution and construction. He has a special feeling for the New Fourth Army. When he addressed the 60th anniversary of the founding of the New Fourth Army in Nanchang on October 14, 1997, he put forward the mission of “making joint efforts to study and promote this great article of the New Fourth Army.” This fully demonstrates his foresight and sense of historical responsibility. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Ye Fei repeatedly built meritorious services in all-out battlefields in central China. As head of the sixth regiment of the New Fourth Army, he led the department to break through the restrictions of the Kuomintang and marched into the area of ​​southern Jiangsu Road. He started the battle of Huangtangtang and exploded Hushuguwan Station and took the helipad to the Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai’s suburbs. After crossing the Yangtze River, Defending and commanding Guo Cun defend the war, waging war Huangqiao annihilate Han stubbornly crushing Japanese and puppet troops in the raid, Qingxiang, he is a front-line commander of the Battle Axle, is the Soviet Union and Zhejiang Military Region deputy commander, involved in the leadership of the establishment of the Soviet Union After the enemy new area and the commander of the western Zhejiang Tianmushan third anti-stalwart defensive war, in order to create the development of central China’s anti-Japanese base to win the war of resistance in Central China made a major
本文介绍了我国近几年手扶和小四轮拖拉机在500小时使用试验中的可靠性及其评价方法,以及故障发生的情况,并对今后进一步提高拖拉机的可靠性提出了几点建议。 In this paper
“从古至今,进攻和防守的形式已经是多种多样,但在武器上始终离不开‘矛’与‘盾’的较量,当今信息化战争更注重信息空间‘矛’与‘盾’的攻防争夺……”这是指导员王兵写的《信息空间“矛”与“盾”的较量》一文。读罢掩卷而思这位走进群山环绕的基层连队、带着“尖刀连”日复一日、月复一月、年复一年驻守在云南边防线上的硕士指导员的心路,我感受到他在成长中内心的坚守与坚强。  成才的摇篮  2013年12月10日,在
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介绍了小四轮拖拉机挂车气刹系统与挂车参数;并对所需的气泵排量、贮气筒容积等进行了核算:对 TYF-6/6型气制动阀的设计、试验作了较详细的介绍。 Introduced the small fou