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晚清史是痛史,最痛莫过于海军。中国人积几十年之力,花了无数银两堆出来最为现代化的七彩楼阁,一碎于甲申(1884),再毁于甲午(1894)。两次大战,我们居然连敌人的一只船舰也没能击沉。而我们花大价钱从外国买来的军舰,沉海的沉海,搁浅的搁浅,被俘的被俘,连基地、船坞、炮台也统统灰飞烟灭。前者输给老师辈的法国人,倒也罢,后者居然输给了和自家一同起步,装备在伯仲间的日本,而且输得很惨,连一丁点可以遮羞的布头也没有剩下。害得李鸿章去马关谈 Late Qing history is pain history, the most painful than the Navy. For decades, the Chinese people spent thousands of silver piles on their most modern, colorful pavilions. One was crushed in Jia Shen (1884) and the other was destroyed in Jiawu (1894). In the two wars, we did not even sink a ship of the enemy. And we spent a large sum of money to buy warships from foreign countries, the Shenhai Shen Hai, stranded aground, prisoners captured, and even bases, docks, Fort also all ashes. The former lost to the teacher’s French, worth mentioning, the latter actually lost to start with their own home, equipped in the middle of Japan, and lost miserably, even the slightest bitch can not be the first cloth left. Li Hung-chang detriment to the horse off
在融入中关村基因之后,如何借助“互联网+”在创业资源相对稀缺的青海海东运营好众创空间,是“海东驿站”所需要的思考。  2015年12月初,刚完成一笔300万元授信的黄琳玲开始认真梳理自己的创业项目。作为一家现代农业公司的总经理,她准备参加海东科技园举办的风险投资路演会,并希望自己的项目能获得投资人的青睐。  四年前,中山大学毕业的黄琳玲放弃了广州待遇优厚的工作,回到青海从事现代种植业。经过几年的发