眼支是三叉神经三个主要分支之一,从颅腔经眼眶缝穿出后其感觉纤维传导皮肤外感受器的冲动,本文使用简便的顺向技术测量感觉诱发电位(SEP)的方法,以研究该神经的感觉神经传导速度。方法:本实验在10例志愿受试者(18~54岁,男、女各半)中进行,使用单个阴极方脉冲、双表面电极放,刺激眼支远端。脉冲宽度0.05~0.1ms,电压低于100V,每10~30秒刺激一次。用Ag—AgC1 表面电极
Eye branch is one of the three main branches of the trigeminal nerve, the sensory fiber conducts sensory fibers from the cranial cavity through the orbital foramina. The method of measuring the sensory evoked potential (SEP) Nerve sensory nerve conduction velocity. Methods: The experiment was performed in 10 volunteers (18-54 years old, half male and half female), using a single cathodic pulse with a double-sided electrode placed on the far side of the eye branch. Pulse width of 0.05 ~ 0.1ms, voltage less than 100V, every 10 to 30 seconds to stimulate once. Ag-AgC1 surface electrode