杨可扬先生说他这一生像“流水”,这水虽不像长江、黄河那佯气势磅礴,也不像山涧溪流那样浪花四溅,它看似平缓,却执着、坚定,越流越广,越流越大,饱含着无数激动人心的激流。 杨可扬先生1914年8月出生在浙江省遂昌县一个偏僻的小山村。旧报纸上“美丽牌”、“金鼠牌”香烟广告,使他对图画产生了兴趣。1934年前后,许多报刊上经常发表丰子恺别具一格的漫画,寥寥几笔,却十分生动传神,杨可扬一下子就被它吸引庄了,而且到了入迷的程度。他开始临摹子恺
Mr. Yang Keyang said that his life is like “flowing water.” Although this water is not as magnificent as the Yangtze River or the Yellow River, nor is it sprayed like a mountain stream, it seems to be gentle but persistent and firm. The more the larger, full of numerous exciting torrent. Mr. Yang was born in August 1914 in a remote small village in Suichang County, Zhejiang Province. Old newspaper “beautiful card”, “Golden Mouse brand” cigarette ads, so he had an interest in the picture. Before and after 1934, many newspapers and magazines often published Feng Zikai unique style, very few pen, but very vivid and vivid, Yang Ke Yang suddenly attracted to it, and to the degree of fascination. He started to copy child Kai