结核性脑膜炎(简称结脑)是小儿较常见的中枢神经系统慢性感染。近几十年来结脑发病率虽有下降,但因治疗上的困难,其病死率仍可达15~36%。如能做到早期诊断,及时合理的治疗,则可提高治愈率,减少后遗症。现将我院1978年至1985年病史资料中较为完整的小儿结脑60例分析如下: 临床资料一、一般资料本组60例中,男31例,女29例,城市5例,农村55例,年龄最小7个月,最大13岁,<1岁2例(3.3%),1~7岁37例(61.7%),8~13岁21例(35%)。有结核接触史者22例(36.7%),有37例可查获原发病灶(胸片证
Tuberculous meningitis (referred to as knot brain) is a more common chronic infection of the central nervous system in children. In recent decades, although the incidence of tuberculosis decreased, but due to treatment difficulties, the case fatality rate is still up to 15 to 36%. If you can do early diagnosis, timely and reasonable treatment, you can improve the cure rate and reduce sequelae. Now in our hospital from 1978 to 1985 more complete history of pediatric tuberculosis in 60 cases as follows: Clinical data First, the general information The group of 60 patients, 31 males and 29 females, 5 cities, 55 cases of rural , The youngest 7 months, maximum 13 years old, <1 year old in 2 cases (3.3%), 1 to 7 years in 37 cases (61.7%), 8 to 13 years old in 21 cases (35%). Twenty-two patients (36.7%) had contact history of tuberculosis and 37 patients had primary lesions (chest radiograph)