Skill is to characterize the service. In the art of opera, different techniques and characters are portrayed. At the same time, different artistic styles and characteristics of the operas are also reflected. Take the play show “hit stick out of the box”, the country has many operas this play. The drama in this drama, in addition to the basic singing, doing, read, there are soft felt power, rejection power, water cuff effort and so on. The Guihua “hit stick out of the box” stunt “drop box”, is the other operas do not have. In the past when the old dramatist Gui opera staged the show, one of the most impressive shows was repeated. Where is the “drop box”? This has to be talked about from the props on the court. When you look at it literally, you fall into the box from the box. Box length of two feet six inches, two feet wide, two feet four feet high, corner Fan Zhongyu Tau Le hair rejection, hanging black 髯, body look black folds, enough to wear cloth socks.