
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng2008YING
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The title complex, [Cu(Hsal)2(py)2], was synthesized by layered solution technique and structurally characterized by single crystal X ray. The copper atom has a square pyramidal geometry and the coordination number is five. The molecular structure is linear one dimensional network. There is a stacking effect between pyridine ligands of neighbouring 1 D chains and the molecular structure is extended into two dimensional stacking network. Two salicylates in the complex have a position of crab pincers like, in which one salicylate is unidentate and another coordinates through the carboxylate group and phenyl group unidentately. The title complex, [Cu (Hsal) 2 (py) 2], was synthesized by layered solution technique and structurally characterized by single crystal X ray. The copper atom has a square pyramidal geometry and the coordination number is five. The molecular structure is linear one dimensional network. There is a stacking effect between pyridine ligands of neighboring 1 D chains and the molecular structure is extended into two dimensional stacking networks. Two salicylates in the complex have a position of crab pincers like, in which one salicylate is unidentate and another coordinates through the carboxylate group and phenyl group unidentately.
[摘 要]在新时期下,我们应在科学发展观的指导下,结合独立学院的办学特色,开辟一条独立学院辅导员队伍全面、协调、可持续发展之路。  [关键词]独立学院辅导员 科学发展观 队伍建设    随着高等教育大众化进程的不断推进,独立学院作为我国高等教育的一支新生力量异军突起,作为普通高校优质办学资源与社会资本相结合的产物,独立学院具有其自身的新型办学模式与运行机制,其辅导员队伍建设在初见成效的同时也出现了
[摘要]面对新时期新闻宣传工作的新形势和新任务,企业新闻宣传工作必须做到坚持宗旨、服务大局,贴近生活、服务社会,积极创新、讲究艺术,提高素质、优化队伍,唱响科学发展、创新发展、和谐发展的主旋律,打好加快发展、深化改革、促进和谐、维护稳定的主动仗,努力为实现油田又好又快发展提供强大的精神动力和舆论支持。  [关键词]新闻 宣传 企业    多年来,油田各级党组织和各级宣传部门按照“高举旗帜、围绕大局