过上世纪50年代米高梅公司拍摄的传记片《伟大的卡鲁索》的朋友,想必对主演马里奥·兰扎表现卡鲁索生命最后一刻的绝唱“夏日最后一朵玫瑰”留有深刻印象。这是一首二段式短歌,曲调优美,情思幽婉。弗洛托在歌剧《玛尔塔》中引用这首久已在民间流传的民谣,与剧中另一首男高音咏叹调“她显得太可爱”成为令人难忘的不朽名曲。弗洛托(Flotow,Friedrich von,1812~1883)是19世纪德国著名的歌剧作曲家,写有30余部歌剧,其中代表作18部,随时光流逝却渐渐被人们遗忘,仅剩下《玛尔塔》久演不衰,流行至今。《玛尔塔》又名《里士满集市》,为四幕六场浪漫喜歌剧,1847年11月25日首演于维也纳皇家歌剧院。在此前的20年间,弗洛托多次滞留巴黎,学习作曲,从事创作,曾为巴黎大歌剧院写了舞剧《哈丽特,或格
A friend of the great Caruso, a biographer shot by MGM in the 1950s, presumably must be the last-of-its-kind song of the life of Caruso, starring Mario Lanza. “The Last Rose of Summer” Impressed. This is a two-paragraph short song, beautiful melody, feeling quiet wan. Floret quotes the first time in the opera “Marta” as a folk song spread among the folk, with another tenor aria of the play “She looks too cute” to become an unforgettable monumental song. Flotow (Friedrich von, 1812 ~ 1883) is a famous 19th century German opera composer, wrote more than 30 operas, including 18 masterpieces, with the passage of time has gradually been forgotten, leaving only “Marta ”Long acting is not bad, popular so far. “Marta” aka “Richmond Bazaar” is a four-screen romantic comic opera premiered on November 25, 1847 at the Royal Opera House Vienna. In the previous 20 years, Floret stranded many times in Paris, studying composition, engaged in creation, had written for Paris Opera "Dancing, or lattice