来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshiwl0000
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Based on the Pb isotopic features, the ore leads in the continent of China can be dividedinto four types: (i) single-stage lead of low μ value derived from mantle, (ii) homogeneouslead of crustal source with high μ value, (iii) modern mixing lead between mantle andcrust, and (iv) residual lead of crustal source. As the leads from mantle had possessed single-stage features (μ = 7.8) before the Proterozoic, the ages of continental crust can be calculatedbased on the mixing Pb of type (iii). The results hidicate that the continental crust of Chinawas mainly generated during the Archaean, and the growth rates of crust reached the max-ima by the ages of 3.3-3.4, 2.6 and 1.6-1.7 b.y. The occurrences of residual crust Pbwith high ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb anomalies were associated with the remelting andreconstruction of crust since 1.6 b.y. ago. The lead sources in the continent of China showhigher Th/U ratios (3.3-6.5) and ~(207)Pb anomalies than those in other continents, indicationthe conti Based on the Pb isotopic features, the ore leads in the continent of China can be dividedinto four types: (i) single-stage lead of low μ value derived from mantle, (ii) homogeneouslead of crustal source with high μ value, (iii ) the mixing of mantle and crustal from (iv) residual lead of crustal source. As the leads from mantle had possessed single-stage features (μ = 7.8) before the Proterozoic, the ages of continental crust can be calculated based on mixing of Pb of type (iii). The results hidicate that the continental crust of Chinawas mainly generated during the Archaean, and the growth rates of crust reached the max-ima by the ages of 3.3-3.4, 2.6 and 1.6-1.7 by The occurrences of residual crust Pb with high ~ (207) Pb / ~ (204) Pb and ~ (208) Pb / ~ (204) Pb anomalies were associated with the remelting and reconstruction of crust since 1.6. The lead sources in the continent of China showhigher Th / U ratios (3.3-6.5) and ~ (207) Pb anomalies than those in other continents, i ndicationthe conti
【摘要】构建和谐多元化的高职高专双语文化课堂不能够只靠教师一方努力,还需要学生贯彻教师的教学方法,与教师进行良好的互动,这样才能够在素质教育的道路上提升高职院校的学前英语课堂效率。在多元化高职英语教学课堂的构建方面,教师要学会另辟蹊径,要区别于传统的教学模式,这样才能够在双语文化素质提升上达到事半功倍的效果。  【关键词】多元化的教学课堂 高职院校 学前双语文化 教学  应试教育对我国教育的影响不