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山西历史文化脉络清晰,框架完整;山西文明进程从未间断,影响深远。山西历史从史前文明的旧石器时代发端,历经尧舜禹和夏商周数千年的演进,到晋国和三晋时期已经形成有别于其他地域文化的显著特征。秦汉以来,山西历史文化更加多姿多彩,更加灿烂辉煌。山西历史文化的完整性、先进性以及艺术性,对中华民族的精神、风俗、习惯的形成发生了重要作用,对华夏五千年文明史产生了巨大的辐射力、渗透力和影响力,山西成为地方文化特色最浓厚的地区之一。山西拥有作为煤都、镁都、铝都的自然资源禀赋,在全国首屈一指,人文资源方面也非常丰富。山西将挖掘丰富的人文资源,打造八大文化品牌,即:华夏之根、佛教圣地、黄河之魂、晋商家园、边塞风情、关圣故里、古建瑰宝、太行神韵。 Shanxi historical and cultural context is clear, the framework is complete; Shanxi civilization process has never stopped, far-reaching impact. From the paleolithic age of prehistoric civilization, Shanxi history evolved through the evolution of Yao, Shun, Yu, and Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. By the Jin and San Jin Dynasties, the distinct features of Shanxi were different from those of other regions. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, Shanxi’s history and culture have become more colorful and brilliant. The integrity, advancement and artistry of Shanxi’s history and culture have played an important role in shaping the spirit, customs and habits of the Chinese nation. Shanxi has had a huge radiation, penetration and influence over the history of 5,000 years of civilization. Shanxi has become One of the areas with the most cultural characteristics in the region. Shanxi has the natural resource endowment of coal capital, magnesium capital and aluminum capital, and is also very rich in human resources in the country. Shanxi will excavate rich cultural resources and create eight cultural brands, namely, the root of Huaxia, the sacred place of Buddhism, the soul of the Yellow River, the Shanxi merchants’ homestead, the style of frontier fortress, the hometown of Guan, ancient treasures, and Taihang charm.