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(接上期)三、《司法解释一》第二十六条出台的背景及现实意义1、为更好地保护农民工的合法权益,保障他们的工资、合法报酬得到及时的给付。同时,也能够促进整个社会和谐、稳定的发展,以及更好地实现“以民为本”、“以人为本”的理念。试想一下,如果没有保护实际施工人的法律规定, (Connected to the period) Third, “Judicial Interpretation of a” background of the introduction of Article 26 and its practical significance 1, in order to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers to protect their wages, legal remuneration timely payment. At the same time, it can also promote the harmonious and stable development of the entire society and better realize the concept of “people-oriented” and “people-oriented”. Imagine, if there is no law to protect the actual construction workers,
夏天,我在布拉姆斯托庄园里放了几只鹅。那时候,我才八九岁。每天一大早,我就得到庄园去,把鹅放出来。池塘离鹅圈很远,我们得走一大段路,而一到了池塘边上,它们就飞的飞,叫的叫,扑扇着翅膀钻到水里去。  第一天放鵝,真把我给紧张坏了,生怕晚上叫不回鹅来。这些池塘本来是一个个的煤坑,蓄上水以后就成了池塘。岸上长满了芦苇。我不会游泳,所以鹅跳进水里以后,我只能站在岸上干着急。但鹅群自有它们的“领路人”,渐渐