In the sultry studio of Pearl River Film Studio, we found the director Chen Ying who just returned from the Xishuangbanna location. Director Chen has directed “gay thank you”, “what are you thinking about”, “mountain chrysanthemum” and other films, this one often play the road, try a thriller “black forest drum sound”, the film according to Li Di’s novel “ Your Life and Death ”adapted to reflect the story of the tribe of Saints in Yunnan during the early days of liberation in their struggle against bandits. This kind of banditry theme film, has taken a lot in the past, the director chose this script, there must be a new pursuit of it? “Yes”, tall, powerful Chen director is very talkative, the answer is very straightforward. "We strive to make the film reflect its own characteristics, and strive to truly reproduce the life style of the lynx people in the early liberation, the pursuit of a simple, original beauty. In the past some reflect the history of the film minority, whitewashed peace, one