Propofol combined with diazepam synergistically potentiates the GABA-activated chloride current in

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xeno
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To investigate the effect of propofol combined with diazepam on the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-activated chloride current (I GABA ) evoked in rat sensory neurons Methods Whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from cultured rat dorsal root ganglionic neurons GABA (3*!μmol/L) was applied by pressure ejection The anesthetics were dissolved in the external solution and given by the “Y-tube“ method Results Co-application of propofol (0 3-3*!μmol/L) and diazepam (100*!nmol/L) potentiated the I GABA which was significantly larger than the sum of that potentiated by drug alone Diazepam (100*!nmol/L) shifted the concentration-response curve for the I GABA potentiation induced by propofol to the left in a parallel fashion The EC 50 value for propofol was decreased by diazepam from 7 6±1 8 *!μmol/L to 3 9±1 1*!μmol/L (n=9) Conclusions Our results suggest that propofol combined with diazepam synergistically potentiates the I GABA Diazepam-induced increase in the apparent binding affinity of propofol for the GABA A receptors is likely responsible for a clinical synergistic hypnotic action during co-application with propofol and diazepam To investigate the effect of propofol combined with diazepam on the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) -activated chloride current (I GABA) evoked in rat sensory neurons Methods Whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from cultured rat dorsal root ganglionic neurons GABA (3 * ! μmol / L) was applied by pressure ejection The anesthetics were dissolved in the external solution and given by the ”Y-tube" method Results Co-application of propofol (0 3-3 μmol / L) and diazepam *! nmol / L) potentiated the I GABA which was significantly larger than the sum of that potentiated by drug alone Diazepam (100 * nmol / L) shifted the concentration-response curve for the I GABA potentiation induced by propofol to the left in a parallel fashion The EC 50 value for propofol was decreased by diazepam from 7 ± 18 *! μmol / L to 3 9 ± 1 1 *! μmol / L (n = 9) Conclusions Our results suggest that propofol combined with diazepam synergistically potentiates the I GABA Diazep am-induced increase in the apparent binding affinity of propofol for the GABA A receptors is likely responsible for a clinical synergistic hypnotic action during co-application with propofol and diazepam
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