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我国经济发展始终坚持以人民为中心,社会个体在参与经济发展过程中,离不开自身作为家庭成员的身份,重视人生存发展的家庭保障,才能真正达到发展为了人民的终极目的。女性作为拥有延续人类生命能力的特殊群体,在家庭成员的生存与发展保障中占据重要地位和发挥重要作用。要充分发挥女性不可替代的作用,首先必须妥善解决女性就业问题。在当今女性就业环境日趋严峻的背景下,对于女性就业发展的保障制度必须给予足够重视,并在实践中采取必要措施加以治理。唯有如此,才能逐步解决女性就业难的问题,从而有效推进人生存发展的家庭保障。 In our economic development, we always adhere to the people as the center. In the process of participating in economic development, social individuals can not do without their own status as family members and family protection that emphasizes people's survival and development. Only in this way can development for the ultimate goal of the people be truly achieved. As a special group that has the ability to extend human life, women occupy an important position and play an important role in ensuring the survival and development of family members. To give full play to the irreplaceable role of women, we must first properly solve the problem of female employment. Against the backdrop of the increasingly harsh employment environment for women, attention must be paid to the guarantee system for the development of female employment, and the necessary measures should be taken to control it in practice. Only in this way can we gradually solve the problem of difficult employment for women so as to effectively promote family protection for the survival and development of people.
家具,我要布艺的  无需大动干戈,只要简便地更换几件布艺家具,便可将一冬的寒冷推出门外。布艺沙发是装饰家居最灵活的元素,在客厅摆上几把绒布椅,或是添上布艺躺椅,一定会让空间立刻暖起来,如果觉得传统色调太乏味,不妨试试与壁纸、窗帘和其他家饰之间的搭配,既不会因冬日的凋零而冰凉,色彩也不会太单调。柔软抱枕一直是许多人的心头好,它贴身的面料、俏皮的图案散发着温馨的味道。在沙发或者床上,既可以调节斜度,还