中国是诗歌的王国 ,五千年的优秀文化熔铸了许多脍炙人口的诗篇。不说别的 ,但就《李义山诗集》中的“无题诗”而言 ,就如天上璀璨的繁星 ,放射出迷人的光彩。单这些诗并非作于一时一地 ,所咏也非一事一物 ,取材较为广泛 ,内容丰富多样 ,难以一概而论。这里 ,我们不妨赏读几例
China is the kingdom of poetry. Five thousand years of excellent culture have cast many popular poems. Do not say anything else, but in terms of “untitled poems” in “Li Yishan’s Poem Collection”, it is like the bright stars in the sky, emitting a fascinating brilliance. These poems are not intended to be one-by-one, and they are not only one thing and one thing. They have a wide range of materials and are rich in content. It is difficult to generalize them. Here, we may wish to read a few examples