【摘 要】
In his later years, when the Roman army invaded his native country, Archbishop, the great scientist dedicated his own intellect and even his life to the sacred cause of defending and the kingdom. When the aggressors invaded the city of Syracuse, he designed a trebuchet to hit the city of Baotou; the iron-claw cranes he made could grab enemy ships from the water and flip them over into the sea. Legend has it that he also made a huge concave?
Given an arithmetic order in a semi-simple algebra A we consider higher class groups attached to the order.These groups are nite by a result of Kuku,and in
例1机型:XV—T2ZA 型投影机故障现象:投影灯不亮。分析与检修:投影灯不亮是投影机的常见故障。正常情况下,投影灯亮必须具备三个条件:一是投影灯泡良好;二是灯泡两端加有来
In this paper,we prove the existence of governing elds of the 2- rank and 4-rank of K2 (O)Q((∫)dp)as p varies.If d is divided by some prime p which is con
Matsumoto’s Theorem is part of classical algebraic K-theory.There are two types of proof.Both are quite technical; a lot of matrix computation is needed.On