编辑老师: 贵社最近在徐州召开了编辑和发行工作会议,我代表公司经理有幸参加此次会议,纯属偶然,欣喜之余,尚有些忐忑:因为会议邀请的是全国各大区记者站站长、各省通讯站站长、杂志社编委和理事。象我这样的无名小辈,会不会受到冷落? 怀着喜忧参半的心情.我与安徽省代表一行三人于10月28日晚上8:30左右到达徐州站,一出站,就在熙熙攘攘的人群中看到高高举起来的一块牌子,上面写着:“《中国物资再生》杂志社接待处”。我们激动地奔了过去,自我介绍之后,我们被热情地迎上了一辆白色的面包车。在锦穗宾馆,会务组同志热情友好地接待我们,亲切随和的交谈,使我们的不安与陌生感顿时消失。
Editing teacher: Your company recently held a meeting on editing and distribution in Xuzhou. On behalf of the company manager, I am fortunate enough to attend this meeting. It is purely by chance and of joy. There are still some shyness: because the meeting invites reporters from all over the country Long, the provincial communications stationmaster, magazine editorial board and director. Unnamed junior like me, will not be left out? With mixed feelings .A delegation of Anhui Province and my party of three people arrived at Xuzhou Station around 8:30 pm on October 28, a station, in the bustling crowd I saw a sign lifted up, said: “” China Recycled Materials magazine reception. " We excitedly ran past, after introducing ourselves, we were warmly greet a white van. In the Jin-Sui Hotel, the conference group comrades warmly and cordially received us, cordial and friendly conversation, so that our anxiety and strangeness suddenly disappear.