17世纪30年代的荷兰,郁金香球的价格飞速上涨引发了疯狂的投资热。狂热到达巅峰时,一棵稀罕的极品郁金香球种售价相当于阿姆斯特丹运河边上的一幢豪宅。然而,投机狂潮不可能永远持续,1937年2月,郁金香高价市场几乎是顷刻之间崩溃。这一闹剧可以描述为:极高的投机性价格可吸引其他更愚蠢的人参与,并愿意以更高价格买进。中国的IDC 市场狂热有异曲同工之妙。在目前中国的 IDC 市场,过度的热情造成过度的投资,过度的投资造成过度的混乱,IDC 开始依靠低价抢夺市场上有限的客户资源,多数 IDC 甚至亏本经营。进入2002年,混乱局面无法维持,于是继“圈地热”和“细分市场潮流”之后,IDC“转型热”又开始上演。
In the 1730s in the Netherlands, the soaring price of tulip balls sparked wild investment fever. At the pinnacle of fever, a rare premium tulip ball sells at a price equivalent to a mansion on the edge of a canal in Amsterdam. However, the speculative frenzy could not last forever. In February 1937, the high-priced market for tulips collapsed almost instantaneously. This farce can be described as: very high speculative prices can attract other more stupid people to participate, and are willing to buy higher prices. IDC market fanatic in China is similar to the same purpose. In the current IDC market in China, excessive enthusiasm caused excessive investment, over-investment caused excessive chaos, IDC began to rely on low prices to seize the limited customer resources in the market, most IDC even operating at a loss. Into 2002, chaos situation can not be maintained, so following the “geothermal” and “market segments trend”, IDC “transitional heat” began to staged.