Lift high-voltage insulators, people do not touch the power will not know. High voltage insulators commonly known as high pressure porcelain, it is used to connect high voltage electrical insulator. As an important electrical equipment, the maintenance of high voltage insulators is good or bad for the safe operation of the circuit is very important. Since the insulator is exposed for a long period of time, a layer of conductive dirt will be formed on the surface over a period of time. If the insulator is damaged in a damp weather, the insulation performance of the insulator will be greatly reduced and short circuit or flashover easily occurs, A serious threat to the high-voltage power grid security. Therefore, the high-pressure insulator cleaning work is the main content of its maintenance. Traditional cleaning methods are often carried out manually, time-consuming and laborious. In order to ensure the safety of staff, construction lines have power outages. The entire line cleaning work as fast as half a month