枣疯病是一种毁灭性病害,近几年在豫北枣区不断蔓延,已成为影响红枣生产的主要病虫害之一。现介绍几种防治措施: 一、彻底清除病源。枣疯病的蔓延是靠叶蝉吸取病株汁液后带病传播的。因此,只要彻底清除病株、病枝,即可清除病源。对枣疯病株应区别不同情况进行处理:全疯病株或大主枝多数呈疯枝的病株,应及时刨掉;大枝上仅有部分枝条发病的,疯枝虫小,也要坚决除掉大枝。病枝在枣树发芽前去掉最好。在生长季节发现病枝要及时剪除。枣疯病株在冬季或发芽前除去病枝后,需要在距
Jujube Bismulopathy is a kind of devastating disease. In recent years, it has been spreading continuously in the jujube area in the north of Henan Province. It has become one of the main pests and diseases affecting jujube production. Is to introduce several prevention and treatment measures: First, completely remove the source. The spread of jujube bark disease is spread by the diseased leaf juice after it is absorbed by the leafhopper. Therefore, as long as the complete removal of diseased plants, diseased branches, you can clear the source. Jujube crazy strains should be different in different situations to deal with: all strains of mad or large main branches of the mad strain of diseased plants should be promptly planed out; only part of the branches on the incidence of branches, small branches of insects, but also resolute Remove the big branches. Diseased branches removed the best before the jujube budding. In the growing season found diseased branches should be cut off in time. Zao crazy strains in the winter or germination before removing the diseased branches, need to be at a distance