
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengjie_1986
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众所周知,在日本的经济赶超中,发展最快、对赶超欧美起了关键性作用的时期,是1956—1970年以重化工业急剧增长为特点的15年高速成长期。这个时期(以及期前期后)日本的积累率一直保持在较高的水平上。对于这一点没有什么异义,存在分歧的是其高积累的内在机制。本文拟就考察所得作一分析比较。日本的积累率究竟有多高在许多有关的材料和文章中,都把日本的“民间设备投资率”或“投资率”视为积累率,并与我国的积累率相比。以前者看,日本从1950—1980年“民间设备投资率”约为16.7%,低于我国同期积累率。以后者看,“投资率”约为31.3%,比我国同期 As we all know, the fastest growing economy in Japan’s catch-up period played a crucial role in catching up with and overtaking Europe and the United States. It is a 15-year rapid growth period characterized by a sharp increase in heavy chemical industry from 1956 to 1970. The accumulation rate in Japan during this period (and after the pre-period) has remained at a high level. There is no disagreement on this point, the difference is the inherent mechanism of its high accumulation. This article intends to study the income for an analysis and comparison. What is the rate of accumulation in Japan? In many relevant materials and articles, Japan considers the rate of “private investment in equipment” or “investment rate” as the rate of accumulation and compares with the rate of accumulation in our country. According to the former, the “private investment rate of Japan” from 1950 to 1980 was about 16.7%, lower than the rate of accumulation in China over the same period. According to the latter, “investment rate” is about 31.3%, higher than that of our country
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