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法的原则条款一般规定在法的总则中,构成了该法规则的基础或本源的基本准则或原理的条款。它的价值在于确保法的规则的正当性、指导法律解释、判断法律冲突以及进行法律的漏洞补充;其设定依据不仅在于它所调整的对象的性质与种类,而且要求与宪法的原则与规定为基础。法的原则条款在司法适用过程中须严格遵守一定的条件与程序,即在规则不能的情况下,通过将法的原则具体化而引申为能够裁判案件的具体规则。我国法的原则条款设置在结构技术以及语言表达技术上需进一步改进与完善。 General principles of law The general provisions of the law form the basis of the rules of the law or the provisions of the basic norms or principles of the source. Its value lies in ensuring the legitimacy of the rules of the law, guiding the interpretation of the law, judging conflicts of laws and supplementing the loopholes in law. The basis for its setting depends not only on the nature and type of objects it adjusts but also on the principles and provisions of the constitution As the basis. The principle clauses of law should strictly abide by certain conditions and procedures in the process of judicial application. That is to say, we should extend the principle of the law to the specific rules that can be used to adjudicate cases when the rules can not be applied. The principle and terms of our law should be further improved and perfected in structural technology and language expression technology.
随着第一汽车集团公司载货车的更新换代,大吨位重型车的投产,尤其是底盘焊装桥取代铸造桥,及日产柴油机投产,有很多大的铸件需要生产.这些件平均质量都在10~15 kg,个别件达到2