General information Laser group: 26 males and 24 females. Age 15 to 60 years old. The shortest duration of a month, up to 10 years. Most within 1 year. Stop other treatments during laser treatment. Drug group: 27 males and 23 females. Age 14 ~ 57 years old. Course of disease in six months to 1 year. Topical vasoconstrictors, antibiotics, nasal drops, negative pressure replacement, systemic application of Chinese herbal medicine and other treatment. Treatment using human skin and muscle tissue penetrating ability of the semiconductor laser as a light source, acupuncture points according to Chinese medicine for human treatment. The frequency is 3kC, the pulse width is 500nS, the current is 0 ~ 20A, the wavelength is 9100A, the power is 0 ~ 10w. The probe is in direct contact with the skin