目的 探讨内镜下光动力治疗晚期梗阻性支气管肺癌以观察其疗效和不良反应.方法 28例晚期梗阻性支气管肺癌患者均经过化疗、放疗或其他方法 治疗无法消除肿瘤,光敏剂为PHOTOFRIN,按2mg/kg体重静脉滴注,48 h后经内镜导入光导纤维给以630 nm(DIOMED半导体激光治疗仪)激光照射治疗,72 h后经内镜清除坏死组织并对原有病灶和新发现病灶给以复照,之后根据具体情况对患者的病灶部位清除坏死组织.结果 光动力治疗后晚期梗阻性支气管肺癌PDT治疗总有效率为85.8%,气道梗阻缓解率为90.0%,KPS评分也较治疗前有明显改善.结论 光动力治疗晚期梗阻性支气管肺癌能够有效的解除腔道梗阻,患者耐受性好,能明显改善患者的生存质量,不良反应轻,不失为一种好的姑息治疗手段.“,”Objective We treated patients suffered from late bronchus carcinoma with PHOTOFRIN pho-toclynarnic therapy (PDT) to investigate the effectiveness and side reactions of PDT. Methods Twenty-eight cases were classified stage Ⅳ with lumen obstruction after they failed all other treatment regimens.PDT was performed with 630 nm light(DIOMED) delivered through cylinder diffusing tip quartz fibers passed through the biopsy channel of a flexible endoscope 48 h after intravenous injection of the photosen-sitizer PHOTOFRIN(2 mg/kg based on the body weight). PDT endoscopy was repeated and necrotic tis-sue was mechanically removed and, if necessary, that site or other new sites were treated after 72 h.Results The total effectiveness rate CR+PR is 85.8%, and the mean percent obstruction due to tumors at different treated sites decreased from 90% to 15% at discharge after PDT. KPS was improved after PDT. Conclusion PDT of advanced bronchus lung cancer effectively decreased the amount of lumen ob-struction, and improved the quality of life. This may be an effective palliative treatment with light sicle re-actions to the late bronchus carcinoma.