嘉庆五年出使琉球的赵文楷是清朝历任册封使中对下属约束最严格、自身最清廉的一位。他限制封舟贸易的货物数量和种类 ;减少册封使团庞大的日常生活开销 ;免去琉球国王为册封使所设的 7次国宴 ,并拒收国王赠送的礼金。这既切实减轻了琉球的经济负担 ,又融洽了中琉关系。赵文楷等人还就书法、语言文字、诗歌等与琉球人士进行广泛、密切的交流 ,促进了中国文化在琉球的传播。由于在海途遭遇风暴和海盗的双重打击 ,赵文楷的身心健康受到严重影响 ,回国 7年后 ,就猝死于任上 ,时年 4 8岁
Jiaqing five years to run Ryukyu Zhao Wenkai is the history of the Qing Dynasty seal in the most restrictive subordinates, one of their most honest. He restricted the number and variety of goods in the seal trade; reduced the huge daily expenses of the envelopment envoys; and dispensed with the seven state banquets set by the King of Ryukyu and denied the king’s gifts. This not only effectively lightened the economic burden of Ryukyu, but also harmonious the relations between China and Ryukyu. Zhao Wenkai et al. Also conducted extensive and close exchanges with Chinese people in Ryukyu on calligraphy, language and poetry, and promoted the spread of Chinese culture in Ryukyu. Zhao Wenkai’s physical and mental health was seriously affected by the storm and piracy on the way. After returning to China seven years later, she died of a sudden death, at the age of 48