【病历介绍】殷××,23岁。第一胎足月妊娠顺产后阴道不规则出血28天,大量出血,不省人事3小时,于1987年2月18日23时急诊入院。体检:一般情况较差,贫血貌,神志模糊不能对答且不合作,血压10.7/8 kPa(80/60毫米汞柱),脉搏100次/分,呼吸24次/分,心肺阴性,肝脾未触及,肠鸣音正常存在。初诊为产后子宫复旧不全和部分胎盘残留。准备在补液情况下行清宫术。在常规消毒外阴阴道后妇检:外阴发育正常,有鲜血污染,阴道有少量活动性出血,并可触及一“肿物”约7×5×3厘米,表面粗糙暗红色,突出在阴道内,周围被宫颈环包绕,宫颈口松可容2指,手指进入宫颈与肿物之间无官腔感觉,其“肿物”
【Introduction】 medical records Yin × ×, 23 years old. The first full-term pregnancy after vaginal delivery irregular vaginal bleeding 28 days, a large number of bleeding, unconsciousness 3 hours, at 23 o’clock on the February 18, 1987 emergency admission. Physical examination: poor general condition, anemic appearance, ambiguity can not answer and do not cooperate, blood pressure 10.7 / 8 kPa (80/60 mm Hg), pulse 100 beats / min, breathing 24 beats / min, cardiopulmonary negative, liver and spleen Touch, bowel sounds exist normally. Initial diagnosis of postpartum uterine involution and partial placental residue. Prepare for curettage in the case of rehydration. In the routine disinfection of the vulva vaginal gynecological examination: normal vulva development, blood contamination, a small amount of vaginal bleeding, and can reach a “mass” of about 7 × 5 × 3 cm, the surface of the rough dark red, prominent in the vagina, Surrounded by the cervical ring around the cervical spine can accommodate 2 refers to the fingers into the cervix and the tumor between the non-government feeling, the “mass”