第一次国际性印度楝树产物防治害虫的学术讨论会于1980年6月在西德举行。 印度楝树或称印度丁香(Azadirachta indica A. Juss)或波斯丁香(Melia azedarach)。印楝树的研究虽然开始于本世纪初的印度,但是崛起却在1970年德意志联邦共和国的Giessen大学。现已证实,印楝的叶、果实和种子浸提物对防治多种害虫很有前途,具有显著的拒食、忌避和生长调节作用。Leuschner(1972)确认,印楝影响昆虫蜕皮的活性物质主要在叶部。从1978年开始,他与Max P1anck大学生化所合作,证明种仁里含有对昆虫生长调节作用的物质;Schluter报道该物质能引起墨西哥豆瓢(虫甲)(Epilachna varivestis)四龄幼虫黑足和胸部产生微红—棕色斑,这种斑点如同伪肿瘤(Pseudotumours)。
The first international Symposium on Neem Tree Pest Control was held in West Germany in June 1980. Neem or Azadirachta indica A. Juss or Melia azedarach. Although the study of neem began in India at the beginning of this century, its rise was at the University of Giessen in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1970. Has confirmed that the neem leaves, fruits and seed extracts on the prevention and control of many pests is promising, with significant antifeedant, avoidance and growth regulation. Leuschner (1972) confirmed that the main active species of neem affecting insects molting is in the leaf. Since 1978, he has collaborated with Max P1anck University Biochemistry to demonstrate that kernels contain substances that regulate the growth of insects; Schluter reports that the substance causes black-footed fourth-instar larvae of Epilachna varivestis The chest produces reddish-brown spots, which are like pseudo-tumors (Pseudotumours).