现将我区1959年以来的流脑疫情资料及近年来的防治概况总结分析如下: 一、发病率及流行特点: (一)发病率与流行的周期性: 本文对1959-1986年的28个年度(上年7月~本年6月为一个流行年度)的流脑发病率及病死率统计如表1。根据本区的流行情况,对流行强度划分为:发病率在20/10万以下者为散发,20/10万以上者为流行,100/10万以上为大流行。由表1可以看出,本区1959-1986年共发生过两次流脑的流行,第一次在1965-1967年,第二次在1976-1980年。每次流行前
The epidemiological data of meningococcal disease in our area since 1959 and the general situation of prevention and treatment in recent years are summarized as follows: First, the incidence and epidemic characteristics: (1) Incidence and epidemic cyclicality: In this paper, 28 The annual (last July ~ June this year as a popular year) meningitis morbidity and mortality statistics in Table 1. According to the prevalence in this area, the epidemic intensity is divided into: the incidence of 20 / 100,000 or less for the distribution, more than 20/100000 is popular, 100/100000 or more for the pandemic. As can be seen from Table 1, two meningococcal epidemics occurred in 1959-1986 in this area, the first between 1965-1967 and the second between 1976-1980. Before each popular