通过对广东省香蕉(Musa nana Lour)主要产区东莞、高州等地调查,发现香蕉肾状线虫不但分布普遍,而且有些地方虫口密度很大。在70个根和土样中有肾状线虫的占61.4%虫口密度可高达1754/100克干土。肾状线虫仅以年青雌虫侵染香蕉根,以虫体前部插入皮层取食,营半内寄生生活发育至成熟。成熟雌虫固着在靠近内皮层处取食,侵染香蕉根引起侵染点附近内皮层细胞壁加厚,容易断裂;内皮层、中柱鞘和维管束薄壁细胞融合成合胞体,每年4月中旬至5月下旬为侵染发病高峰期。根据形态特征、生活史和寄主范围,初步鉴定主要种群是肾形肾状线虫(Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira,1940)。
Through the investigation of the main producing areas of Musa nana Lour in Dongguan, Gaozhou and other places in Guangdong Province, it was found that the nematode banana was not only widely distributed, but also in some areas. 61.4% of nephrons in 70 roots and soil samples had densities of up to 1754/100 g of dry soil. Renal nematodes infects only banana roots by young females, feeds on the front of the parasites and infects the cortex in the midrib. Mature females are anchored near the endodermis, infecting the banana root causes thickening of the endothelial cell wall near the site of infection and is prone to rupture; the endothelium, pericycle, and vascular bundle parenchyma cells fuse into syncytia, each mid-April In late May for the peak incidence of infection. According to the morphological characteristics, life history and host range, the primary identification of the main population is the reniform nephron (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira, 1940).