癌症的发病与精神因素密切相关,在同样的工作环境、生活条件下,那些豁达开朗者比内向忧郁的人更能躲开癌魔的袭击。德国的 H·J 艾瞻克博士经过大规模调查得出了“癌性格”这一观点。什么是癌性格呢?这类人往往把自己的幸福寄托于家庭、恋人、朋友、上司等,而一旦丧失了他所依赖的寄托,就会长时间地陷入绝望之中,他们大多数是情绪不稳定且内向的人。为什么“癌性格”者更易患癌症呢?这是因为精神紧张、内向、忧郁能够降低人的免疫能力的缘故。在我们人体中,存在着针对癌细胞的防御屏障——免疫调节系统。正常情况下,当癌细胞刚出现时,免疫调节系统会将其作为异物消灭掉。而当精神紧
The onset of cancer is closely related to the spiritual factors. Under the same working environment and living conditions, those who are open-minded and cheerful are more likely to escape the attacks of cancer. Germany’s Dr. H. J. Alessandk obtained a “character of cancer” from a large-scale investigation. What is the cancer character? This type of person tends to place his happiness on family, lovers, friends, bosses, etc., and once he loses the sustenance that he depends on, he will fall into desperation for a long time. Most of them are not emotional. Stable and introverted person. Why is the cancer personality more susceptible to cancer? This is because mental stress, introversion, and depression can reduce people’s immunity. In our body, there is a defensive barrier against cancer cells - the immune regulation system. Under normal circumstances, when cancer cells first appear, the immune system will destroy them as foreign bodies. And when it is tight